A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing

Introduction to Fitness Content Marketing

Those who spend less than $15,000/mo on their content strategy are 74% more likely to see lower performance.

In the digital age, content is king.

Content marketing is an essential tool in strengthening your relationship and trust with your customers.

By not using it, you risk falling behind your competitors and losing out on extra business.

For your fitness brand, whether that be accessories, a service such as a gym, classes, or online courses. Creating content will help supply your customers and potential prospects with knowledge, insights, and offers.

In this article, I will provide a brief guide on using different forms of content to increase demand for your product or service and help win over clients.

What is Fitness Content Marketing?

Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of online material such as blogs, videos, and social media posts to increase brand exposure and stimulate interest.

Over the last few years fitness related content has boomed.

COVID helped increase the demand for online fitness-related content as people could not access gyms and classes. Therefore businesses adapted to release more content online.

Since then ease of access to online fitness content remains popular, gaining millions of views on TikTok and YouTube each month.

Users find it motivational, insightful, and easy to access as they try to find new ways of getting them off of the sofa and into exercise.

Supporting your fitness brand with relatable content can provide value to your prospects, and increase inbound leads/traffic to your website.

The 4 Fundamentals of Fitness Content Marketing

Behind a great content marketing strategy are 4 fundamentals that’ll help you produce great content for your fitness brand.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing

The 4 Fundamentals of Content Marketing – Syndacast


  • Entertain – One way to capture the audience’s attention is to entertain. By creating exciting forms of content you can connect to the audience and get them to relate to your brand entertainingly. E.g. Surveys, Interactive Games, Quizzes, Branded Videos.



  • Persuade – Once you have the attention of your audience, it’s time to provide something of value. E.g. Case Studies, Webinars, Discount Codes.



  • Inspire – You can inspire people to think of your brand by supplying reviews and testimonials that show how your product or service helped inspire customers.



  • Educate – Educating is one of the best ways to teach the public about your brand. You can educate them on your product or service by producing content about the use, features, and aspects of what you’re offering. Articles, ebooks, and podcasts are other great ways to educate your audience.


Fitness audiences love to see and learn how things work, and how it can benefit them on their fitness journey.

Educating will be one of the key ways to connect with them, and get across the benefits that your product or service can offer.

Fitness Content Marketing Funnel

A content marketing funnel is a funnel journey that potential customers will go on, eventually leading to a conversion.

The end goal may include a sale, a demo, a download, or a similar type of conversion.

There are 3 stages to the funnel, top, middle, and bottom.

Each stage has a purpose such as attracting attention, generating leads, and closing conversions.

Top of the funnelTop-of-the-funnel content will be informative and educational. Customers are just starting to get familiar with your business, so should you aim to answer questions, educate their queries, and provide value. You can include content such as blog posts, videos, and podcasts.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing
PT Blog – Trainfitness

Middle of the funnelMiddle-of-the-funnel offers more than just introductory content. You’ll look at creating content that gets them further down the funnel. Gated assets could be used which provides the user with something if they sign up. You can include content such as courses, templates, case studies, and newsletters.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing
Case Studies – BodyWorks Personal Training

Bottom of the funnelBottom-of-the-funnel content will provide content that’ll help the customer finalize their purchase decision. At this point, they will have a deep understanding of what you have to offer and will be looking to close. You can include things such as a free demo or trials, webinars, success stories, or product reviews.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing
Webinars – Canfitpro

Benefits of Using Content Marketing

Content marketing will provide a whole feast of benefits for your business to enjoy, as well as your prospects.

Content Marketing Benefits:


  • Establishes Credibility – Producing content related to your business will provide you with the opportunity to show off your expertise. Not only will this supply the prospects with information, but it will also support your credibility in the industry.
  • Increases Inbound Leads – Content at each stage of the funnel will increase the chance of inbound leads as potential customers will discover your services through your content.
  • Improves Search Engine Results – SEO-optimized content is likely to rank higher on Google and bring more eyes to your website. Using related keywords will take the user’s queries, and bring them closer to your content for the answer.
  • Strengthens Brand Identity – Content will allow you to communicate your brand to prospective customers, it’s a chance for your brand identity to shine.
  • Offers Value to Customers – Videos, Guides, Podcasts, Webinars, etc all offer free value to your customers, it will help build their relationship with your brand and increase trust in the future.
  • Increases Sales & Conversions – As your audience grows through the release of regular content and exposure to your brand, you will see a higher number of visitors to your website, and through calls to action, you can get these visitors to convert.


For the fitness industry, having relatable content that will support the customer on their fitness journey by giving them insights, tips, and resources can offer great value. In return, it will strengthen your credibility, and trust meaning they are more likely to use you in the future.

How To Create Fitness Content

1. Define your objectives

To begin with, you should define your content marketing objectives, and what you want to achieve from content marketing. Then look at how you’ll achieve this.

Once you have a clear picture of your audience think about, what sort of content will they find beneficial, and how you’ll get them closer to a conversion.

2. Choose a topic

Once you have outlined what you want to achieve, you should start to consider what your content will be about.

A great way to find out what to base your content on is to look at what people are searching for and what is popular

You can use tools such as:



3. Consider the best type of content

As discussed earlier, different types of content can serve different purposes along the marketing funnel.

Having easy-to-consume content such as blogs and longer-form content like webinars will broadly cover you along the funnel.

Types of content you could create:


  • Blog Posts
  • Online Courses
  • Podcasts
  • E-Books
  • Webinars
  • Social Media Posts
  • Quizzes
  • How To Guides
  • Case Studies


4. Promote your fitness content

Finally, once you have created content you will want to promote it to your audience.

The most effective way will be through social media channels.

In the fitness industry, social media is key as you get to show your clients results, products in action, and classes taking place.

Publishing content on your website is also very effective, it’s the hub of your business so having content for your visitors to consume will push them towards a conversion.

It is also important to make sure your content is SEO-optimized to help bring inbound leads from Google and other search engines.

Implementing SEO

Implementing search engine optimizationinto your content will help it reach your intended target audience.

Doing the correct keyword research will not only help provide relevant content to your audience but will help you rank higher on Google as well.

How SEO implementation can help:


  • Drive relevant traffic – Using SEO tactics such as keyword research, will take what the users are commonly searching for and link it to your content. This will increase the chances that your content gets read by your intended audience.
  • Helps your page rank better – SEO-optimised content will increase your position on Google, giving your business a greater chance of getting relevant and converting customers.
  • Increases brand visibility – Reaching your audience more often, will help increase your brand awareness and visibility. If you’re regularly answering the user’s questions then they will be more likely to use your product or service.


Top Tip – Using local keywords for gyms and trainers in a particular area will help boost your rankings for the area you operate in.

Free SEO Tool– Google Keyword Planner

A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing

Using Google Keyword Planner will help you discover what topics are popular in your industry.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing

Search for words related to your industry and Google will provide you with information on the most searched topics.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness Content Marketing

For the search ‘Fitness Marketing’ Google has given me a range of statistics on lots of different keywords.

From this search, I could create content on:


  • How to Advertise Personal Training Services
  • Marketing for Personal Trainers
  • Marketing for Gyms


Conclusion on Content Marketing for Your Fitness Brand

Content marketing is an effective tool to help increase the visibility and trust in your brand. If implemented correctly it can drive inbound leads and conversions.

In the fitness industry content is crucial.

Building up trust by displaying your knowledge, and offering insights and advice can help a user to convert.

But remember to make your content relevant and relatable, express your brand and what you have to offer, and answer their questions, by doing so you’ll find that they will convert.

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